Number of mentions of blogs in LEXIS-accessible newspapers and magazines,

mostly over the last couple of years (searches intentionally limited just to the name of the blog, and not including the name of the blogger without a reference to the blog):

Query Mentions
InstaPundit 480 or (marshall w/s talking points memo) 223
plural(Atrios) 64 (the “plural” avoids “atrio,” but includes some false positives)
DailyKos 25
Volokh Conspiracy or 34

I omitted Andrew Sullivan and Mickey Kaus, who were already fairly big journalists before they started blogging.

     Incidentally, this might help show why the media isn’t noticing the DailyKos controversy. They don’t notice us that much, period. Nothing to complain about — I’m glad at the attention the blog is getting, both from readers and from journalists — but it does put matters in perspective.

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