Gorelick recusal rule:

This Eric Muller (IsThatLegal?) post is so useful that I thought I’d link to it and excerpt it even though InstaPundit has also already done it. The bottom line:

Under these guidelines, it certainly seems to me that Ms. Gorelick should not be participating in the portion of the Commission’s investigation that focuses on law enforcement’s role in counterterrorism. I think it would have been wise for her not to be present at the hearing yesterday.

On the other hand, she’s a very smart lawyer and her participation in other hearings has, to my eye, been very focused and helpful.

I think the calls for her outright resignation are exaggerated. On the other hand, I think she should confess that she ought not be playing a role in the Commission’s law-enforcement-related inquiries, and should recuse herself from all further deliberation on the matter.

For the text of the guidelines, and more from Eric, see his post.

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