The Publishing Industry and Blogs (They Don’t Get it, Yet):

I find it a bit odd that I’ve been blogging for the VC for almost a year but have not made it on to any publisher’s review copy lists. The VC has a “circulation” of over ten thousand readers a day, many of whom, judging by my email, are professors, attorneys, or law students. That’s a lot higher circulation than many of the obscure journals to which at least academic publishers routinely send review copies. And given how often I blog, a book of interest would have a reasonable chance of receiving mention.

So, a smart university press (or even trade press) would put me on their list for review copies of law books, or at least some subset of law books, such as legal history, constitutional law, and law and science, especially because their competitors aren’t doing so yet. I’m not at all offended by the lack of attention, nor am I in any need of free books. I just find it interesting that book publishers have been so slow to recognize a new medium through which they can publicize their wares. Or are many other bloggers, perhaps those who aren’t on group blogs, being flooded with books?

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