Pennsylvania legislator apparently endorses conspiracy nut Lyndon LaRouche:

From an opinion piece in the Philadelphia Inquirer,

State Rep. Harold James (D., Phila.) does not appear to be the kind of guy who would believe that the world is secretly governed by a conspiracy of Zionist bankers and the Queen of England. But he has chosen to back a crowd that does. And that raises questions about James’ judgment. He has endorsed Lyndon LaRouche for president of the United States. . . .

When I asked James about supporting LaRouche, he acknowledged that he “doesn’t consider him to be a mainstream Democrat.”

LaRouche is a conspiracy theorist of the first magnitude. Though it’s difficult to condense his beliefs into a coherent whole, suffice it to say that he believes that Jewish bankers, in conjunction with England’s royal family, run the world with money from drug cartels. He also is a felon, having spent five years in federal prison for securities fraud and income tax evasion.

James indicated that he chose to endorse LaRouche to “send a message” and to “address the concerns of African American voters.” He believes that the Democratic Party, whether regarding minority voters or labor, “has been taking our votes for granted.”

In the fall, James will not back LaRouche. He said his goal was to get LaRouche delegates elected to the Democratic National Convention in Boston this summer. Then, he’ll support John Kerry in the fall.

James insisted that he would not be “lining up with someone racist and anti-Semitic.” Of allegations that LaRouche is both, he said, “People tend to want to discredit you because you are outspoken.” . . .

More from the article’s author here. Rep. James’s response here, where he (1) plays the race card, and (2) makes clear that he does like LaRouche:

I find the tone of Sommers’ commentary to be quite offensive, if not racist. Am I, as an African-American man and political leader, supposed to be too ignorant or uninformed to see through the many lies and slanders that have been circulated about LaRouche?

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