
Larry Solum on Judicial Activism

On his Legal Theory Blog, Larry Solum has a wonderful addition to his Legal Theory Lexicon entitled Strict Construction & Judicial Activism. Anyone interested in Constitutional Law should read it.

Larry has also been making some excellent points about the issues raised by Clayton Cramer and Stephen Bainbridge. The latest is Cramer Sense. Scroll down for others or click on the following links:

The Bainbridgean Argument for Judicial Nullification of the Constitution

Originalism & Liberty

All law students should bookmark and then regularly visit Legal Theory Blog. It makes great summer reading to keep your head in the game while you are whiling away the summer, say, working for a law firm or even studying for the bar. It helps you remember why you wanted to go to law school in the first place. In the immortal words of Commander Peter Quincy Taggart: Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

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