Smuggling Yemenite Jews Out of Monsey, NY

From Ha’aretz:

“Na’ama Al-Nahari, a woman of Yemenite origin, and five of her 12 children were smuggled out of the ultra-Orthodox township of Monsey, N.Y., on Tuesday and flown to Israel on El Al, in a Jewish Agency covert operation that had been in the works for a few months. According to the plan, a larger number of Yemenites living in Monsey were to be smuggled to Israel, but Satmar Hasidim in the township discovered the preparations and prevented their departure.”

If Satmar Hasidim (a virulently anti-Israel sect, based on their belief that it is contrary to God’s will to establish a sovereign Jewish state before the Messiah arrives) are “preventing” the departure of Yemenite immigrants from their community, they are undoubtedly violating all sorts of laws, federal, state, and local. No one needs to be “smuggled” out of the U.S. Why is the Jewish Agency smuggling people out of Monsey, instead of calling the authorities?

If I were an enterprising journalist, I’d be on top of this story.

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