
Cass Sunstein:

I’m delighted to say that Cass Sunstein will be guest-blogging here for the next few days, posting occasionally about his new book, The Second Bill of Rights.

Cass, a constitutional law scholar at the University of Chicago Law School, is one of the most influential law professors in the country (and is in fact the full-time U.S. law professor whose work has been cited the most times in scholarly legal periodicals). He has written over a dozen books and a vast number of articles on a wide range of topics; see here for just a small subset, or here for the whole daunting list. It’s a real privilege to have him participating here, even if only for a short while.

Those who know Cass’s work know that he and I disagree on many things. I suspect that many of our readers, especially conservatives and libertarians, will likewise disagree with the views he expresses in his new book and in the posts that are based on the book. Nonetheless, I think this is a great opportunity for the blog’s readers to see what one of the most thoughtful and accomplished scholars in another camp is thinking and writing about.

Cass’s e-mail address is csunstei at uchicago.edu; if you have any comments on his posts, please e-mail them to him. Please note, though, that he may not have the time to reply to all the comments (which is to say he adheres to the same e-mail policy that we do).

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