Confirmation of Judge Calabresi’s comments?

As I mentioned in my posts yesterday (here and here), my criticisms of Judge Calabresi’s remarks were premised on the remarks’ having been accurately quoted and paraphrased. All I have to go on is the New York Sun article, and there’s always the risk that the article is in error.

It seems that tne source is implicitly confirming the accuracy of at least Calabresi’s Hitler/Mussolini quote: DownWithBush, a blog that harshly — though in my view unpersuasively — criticizes the criticisms of Calabresi. (I think my original post adequately rebuts those arguments.) But nothing in the blog post, written by someone who was in the audience during Calabresi’s speech, suggests that Calabresi was quoted incorrectly. So I’m somewhat more confident than I was yesterday that Calabresi’s comments were as described — and I remain quite confident that if they were as described, they are unsound and improper.

However, I stress again: If anyone who was in the audience has a different recollection of the comments (or the same recollection) I’d very much appreciate hearing about it. A transcript or an audio recording of the panel would be better still.

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