Book drive for Baghdad University library:

Prof. Steven Taylor (PoliBlog) is running this, and it seems like a worthy project:

I have volunteered to help Dr. Safaa al-Hamdani, a biology professor at Jacksonville State University (another school here in Alabama) in a book drive to collect texts to help populate the Baghdad University library, which, between post-war looting and multi-decade neglect by the Saddam regime is in serious need of help.

While I am focusing my efforts on my university, and other schools in Alabama with which I have contact, I thought a note to the Blogosphere wouldn’t hurt.

While books from any discipline are welcome, Dr. al-Hamdani notes that there is a special need for science, math and medical texts. Also, he asks that books no older than five years be collected, as given the cost of shipping we want to make sure we are sending usable books. Also, funds to help ship the books are also in need.

If you can help, please [email me at the address given] here.

If you are able to help, books or donations could be sent directly to me.

There is a brief news story about the book drive here.

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