
“Homosexual dominance of the legal system”:

Yup, that’s what Clayton Cramer is noticing. Two to three percent of the population, and it turns out that they dominate the legal system. It’s not just that a lot of heterosexuals happen to agree (rightly or wrongly) with the gay rights movement, so that heterosexuals dominate the legal system but happen to take many pro-gay-rights views. No, it’s homosexual dominance.

Cramer is a very smart guy, who has done a lot of work that I admire for its accuracy and thoughtfulness (chiefly on guns). I link to him on many occasions, because he often makes good points. (UPDATE: For instance, the post I criticize also correctly condemns the Swedish legal system’s punishment of antigay speech.) But if I am to condemn spurious claims of Jewish control of this or that institution — for instance, fantasies of Jewish or Israeli control of U.S. foreign policy, extrapolated from the fact that non-Jewish U.S. leaders have been persuaded that they should support Israel — I can’t let this sort of stuff pass.

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