Academic study reveals:

Ice cream production is closely correllated with the rate of forcible rape. Yes, that’s right — Professor Eugene Volokh, of the prestigious UCLA School of Law and the even more prestigious Volokh Conspiracy Web log, has uncovered scientific evidence that ice cream production is closely correlated with the forcible rape rate.

Professor Volokh used 2000 data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reports, and 2000 data from the international Dairy Foods Association’s Dairy Facts publication; the correlation was 0.84, which is very high (1 would be a perfect correlation and 0 would be no correlation at all) and statistically significant. Unfortunately, data on monthly ice cream consumption was unavailable, but ice cream production data seems likely to be a good rough proxy for ice cream consumption. For the spreadsheet containing this data — The Volokh Conspiracy is a stickler for openness in research — see here.

It is time, especially in this election season, that Big Dairy be asked some serious questions about this disturbing phenomenon and about its impact on the women and children of our nation. Professor Volokh (volokh at is available for interviews and commentary on this important research finding.

(Read here before sending me e-mail accusing me of statistical ignorance.)

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