Recent developments in the Church sex abuse litigation

reminded me of this old chestnut: A man goes to his minister. “Reverend, help me — everything is going badly for me, I’ve almost given up hope, nothing is going right, what should I do?”

“Well, my son, do what I always do: Just open up a Bible to a random page, put your finger in a random place, and whatever you’re pointing to is sure to be good advice.”

A month later the man comes up to the minister again. “Thank you so much, Reverend,” he says. “I followed what you said to the letter, and everything is much better now.”

“I’m so glad to hear it, my son,” the minister says. “But I’m curious: What verse did the Lord guide you to?”

“Well, I opened up the Bible, put my finger on a random place, and there it was, in black on white: Chapter 11!”

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