
Max Boot on the CIA:

I’m not sure whether his point is right, but it seems quite plausible, and worth passing along. The whole piece is here, but here’s the opening paragraph:

If you want to know what’s wrong with the CIA — and these days who doesn’t? — start with the fact that it’s almost 60 years old. How many 60-year-olds do you know who take insane risks, rethink cherished shibboleths and produce brilliant flashes of insight? That is what’s required to win the war on Islamist terror.

But, like many other prosperous geezers, the CIA would prefer to hit the links and avoid uncouth places where nobody has heard of Metamucil.

Don’t get me wrong. There are plenty of bright, energetic people at the CIA (I’ve met some of them), but, as the reports of the 9/11 commission and the Senate Intelligence Committee attest, they work in a sclerotic institution. . . .

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