
Case notes — question for law review editors:

I’d like to add some material to my Academic Legal Writing book on (1) writing casenotes for publication, and (2) writing casenotes for a law review write-on competition, when the competition requires a casenote. I’m not wild about casenotes as a genre of legal scholarship — I don’t think they’re particularly useful to readers, and I don’t think they make particularly good calling cards for their authors — but I know that some law reviews have students write them, so I’d like to discuss them.

Naturally, I’ve thought quite a bit about the subject myself, but I’m surely not above soliciting free advice. If you’re a law review editor, and have some thoughts on (1) what you think makes a casenote especially publishable, or (2) what you think makes a casenote in a law review write-on competition especially good — potentially two quite different questions, I realize — could you please e-mail me at volokh at law.ucla.edu? Thanks very much.

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