
John Perry Barlow

has figured out a plan to “throw [the Republicans] off their game” at the upcoming GOP convention in New York City:

  I propose the following: I want to organize a cadre of 20 to 50 of us. I want to dress us in suits and other plain pedestrian attire and salt us among the sidewalk multitudes in Republican-rich zones. At a predetermined moment, one of us will produce a boom-box and crank it up with something danceable. Suddenly, about a third of the people on the sidewalk, miscellaneously distributed in the general throng, will start dancing like crazy and continue to do so for for about a minute. Then we will stop, melt back into the pedestrian flow, and go to another location to erupt there.
  Perhaps if we enlist enough troops, we can have several platoons simultaneously exploding into dance around Manhattan, so there will be absolutely no way to tell where we might strike next.
  I promise you, this will make the Republicans uncomfortable. They will return to their partisan duties with a sense of disquiet that will slightly but surely fuzz the intensity of their focus.

What Barlow is missing is that GOP convention-goers actually expect New Yorkers to do stuff like this. Frequently. At all hours of the day and night. To be really subversive, Barlow should get 20 to 50 people together, dressed in pedestrian attire, and then have them act perfectly normal. That’s right; don’t do anything weird at all. The Republicans will have no idea what to make of it. I’m sure that will really throw them off their game.

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