
Too sensitive for politics:

Yes, I’m against political vandalism; yes, I’m against anti-Semitism; yes, I can understand how such incidents can trigger connections to past horrors. But somehow, if this story is correct, I don’t think this candidate is quite ready for public life:

Someone defaced about 50 campaign posters belonging to David Heller in San Francisco’s Richmond District.

“I couldn’t believe it. I mean, I couldn’t handle it,” said Heller. “The next day, I just broke. I just cried. The whole day, I couldn’t handle it.”

Heller, who is Jewish and owns a beauty shop, is running for a seat on the Board of Supervisors.

He told CBS-5 he lost all of his relatives on his father’s side to the Nazis during World War Two.

Heller is using the colors of the Israeli flag for his posters. . . .

Look, if you really have to cry, cry — but don’t tell reporters about it.

Thanks to Dan Gifford for the pointer.

UPDATE: Reader Andrew Arnold points to this story, which confirms that the vandalism was indeed anti-Semitic: “The signs were taped to the inside of the windows of neighborhood businesses, and someone used black marker to scrawl a swastika and Star of David on the outside of the glass, over Heller’s face.” I stress again that this is hateful stuff. But even if it makes one want to cry for a day, it seems best to resist that — and, if one doesn’t resist, at least not publicize the crying. There are lots of ways of fighting anti-Semitism; public tears, especially when one is running for public office, are among the less effective.

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