Although It’s Difficult

to know what to make of all the recent stories about ongoing terrorism investigations, this story from the NY Times suggests that there is a lot of important stuff going on right now. Some excerpts:

  A Pakistani man whose arrest provided information about the reconnaissance of financial institutions in New York, Newark and Washington was also communicating with Qaeda operatives who the authorities say are plotting to carry out an attack intended to disrupt the fall elections, a senior intelligence official said Saturday.
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  Now the authorities say Mr. Khan’s arrest is also helping them unravel a threat to carry out an attack this year inside the United States. . . . [H]e is emerging as a central figure in an expanding web of connections that, the authorities say, indicates that they may have penetrated an operational Qaeda group whose intentions were previously unknown.
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  One senior counterterrorism official said the outpouring of leads had mushroomed into a sprawling investigation in which agencies in the United States and overseas were struggling to coordinate and share the enormous volume of information.

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