
Know Your Candidate:

On several occasions, most recently on Aug. 6, the Kerry campaign has said that “John Kerry is an Experienced Leader in the Intelligence Field — John Kerry served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for 6 years and is the former Vice Chairman of the Committee. Kerry joined the Committee in early 1993 and served until early 2001.” See also this Mar. 24 press release and this Jan. 29 press release. The Aug. 6 and Jan. 29 press releases, incidentally, are labeled “fact checks” of Republican arguments; the Jan. 29 press release mentions the item in a section labeled “Reality” (as opposed to “Republican Rhetoric”), the Mar. 24 press release under “Just the Facts,” and the Aug. 6 press release under “The Record.”

Now the Republican National Committee is pointing out — correctly, I think, based on my quick search — that Kerry never was the Vice Chairman of the Committee; that post was held by former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey. Whoops . . . . I’d hate to be the guy who screwed that one up.

UPDATE: Robert Tagorda has more.

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