
Why They Hate Us, Part MMMDCCXXI:

MEMRI, which I’m told is quite reliable, passes along a translation of an article in an Arabic-language Egyptian newspaper; the chairman of the board of directors of that newspaper, MEMRI reports, is the editor of the government’s newspaper. Here’s an excerpt:

On the Main Entrance to the Knesset it is Inscribed : ‘Compassion Toward a Non-Jew is Forbidden’

“… The Jews forgot that their primary constitution, on which they rely, is full of intellectual religious terrorism against all other nations. Aqidati decided to wage a battle against International Zionism in order to expose the extent of terrorism that exists in the Zionist doctrinal mind. The truth of the matter is that the Jews themselves do not deny [the existence of] Zionist terrorism. Whoever visits the Israeli parliament known as ‘The Knesset’ will notice at the main entrance a sentence written on the wall saying: ‘Compassion towards a non-Jew is forbidden, if you see him fall into a river or face danger, you are prohibited from saving him because all the nations are enemies of the Jews and when a non-Jew falls into a ditch, the Jew should close the ditch on him with a big boulder, until he dies, so that the enemies will lose one person and the Jews will be able to preserve their dream of the Promised Land, the Greater Israel!’

“This sentence is taken from the Jewish Talmud which is holier that the Torah itself, and was described by the Israeli Ministry of Education in the lexicon that it published at the beginning of this year for primary school students in Israel as: ‘The Talmud is the oral Torah which Moses received from his Creator. It contains commandments, which every Jew must perform. The Talmud is the holy book of the Israelites and its sanctity equals or even surpasses that of the Torah…'”

The Jews’ Sacred Obligation to Murder ‘Goyim’ . . .

It goes on from there, with still more vile nonsense. Thanks to George Mason lawprof Michael Krauss for the pointer.

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