Closely related law professors and closely related Supreme Court law clerks:

Prof. Laura Kalman at UC Santa Barbara is compiling (1) a list of law professors who are closely related by blood (parent-child, sibling-sibling, aunt/uncle-niece/nephew, grandparent-grandchild, but probably not any more distant than that), and (2) a list of Supreme Court clerks who are likewise closely related by blood. (She’s not looking for married couples.)

If you have some definite information on this, please e-mail Prof. Kalman at kalman at Please include as the subject line the text

Lawprofs: NameA / NameB


Clerks: NameA / NameB

for instance

Lawprofs: Akhil Amar / Vik Amar


Clerks: Sarah Cleveland / her father

(though in the last case, “Clerks: The extremely cool Sarah Cleveland / her father” would also qualify, and naturally, if you have the father’s name, that would be better yet). This will let Prof. Kalman sort the submissions more effectively.

Also, in the body of the message, please include (for professors) the schools at which the professors teach or taught and (for law clerks) the Justices for whom the clerks clerked. Please do not send the messages to me; send them to kalman at .

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