
More on Soros, Hastert, and drugs:

I mentioned this controversy in an earlier post; for where things stand now, I quote Jack Shafer (Slate‘s Pressbox; see the column for link):

Soros denies the charge that he is in the pay of drug cartels in this Aug. 31 letter he sent to Speaker Hastert, demanding an apology. . . . Hastert states in a Sept. 1 letter to Soros that he never referred to drug cartels on Fox News Sunday, that Chris Wallace did. The “drug groups” Hastert claims to have had in mind were the “Drug Policy Foundation, The Open Society, The Lendesmith [sic] Center, the Andean Council of Coca Leaf Producers, and several ballot initiatives across the country to decriminalize illegal drug use.” On this score, Hastert’s letter is completely disingenuous. These groups are beneficiaries of Soros wealth: He’s given them money. In the program transcript, Hastert is clearly asking about the source of Soros’ money for his political and social campaigns, and then he asks the leading question, is it from “overseas or from drug groups”?

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