Document Disclosure:

I don’t care much about Swift Vets, Winter Soldiers, Air National Guard stories or draft deferments. I am more concerned about what a prospective President will do over the next four years than what he may have done (or not done) decades ago. And I have no idea what to think about this new bombshell, hoax, or whatever it is, but I do have one observation about the respective campaigns.

When CBS news disclosed the Killian memos, the White House passed them along to other journalists, consistent with the Bush campaign’s stated (albeit belated) policy of disclosure. When questions were raised about Kerry’s military service, on the other hand, the Kerry campaign did not authorize the release of Kerry’s complete military files. (Nor has Kerry authorized Brinkley to share copies of his diaries or disclosed relevant information from Theresa Heinz Kerry’s tax returns.) For all those so quick to assume the White House had been keeping the Killian documents under wraps, isn’t it about time to call for full disclosure? C’mon, it’s not so hard.

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