
So Much for Full Disclosure:

The White House claimed to have all the records relevant to Bush’s National Guard service last February (see my prior post on documents here). Now we know that wasn’t true (and some were right to suggest the White House was still hiding stuff). At the same time, here’s additional evidence that Senator Kerry has not released all of his records either. Enough is enough. Each should simply sign the Form 180 and be done with it.

Update: Several readers have e-mailed in suggesting President Bush has laready signed a Form 180. I had thought so too, but I couldn’t find anything on the White House web site or in news stories saying that he had. Rather, all I’ve found is that Bush ordered that various government agencies release all relevant documents last Feburary. As I understand it, this order was not as all-encompassing as a Form 180 — and the latest disclosures suggest this would be the case. If a reader can provide a citation for the claim that Bush has signed the form, I’ll post it. As for Kerry, there is no question he has not signed a Form 180, and there is no question that approximately 100 pages of material (if note more) relating to his military record have yet to be released.

Update: Another reader e-mails:

as a person who has been in the Army Reserves for 30 years, I can tell you that there’s always the chance that things are misplaced, especially from the days before computers. Not usually a result of nefarious activity. I’d be hard pressed to put together a complete file of all my stuff, and I have no idea what various document holding facilities might have that I don’t, even though one of the first things that was drummed into our heads was to keep copies of all of our records.

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