
Wars, Memos, and the Blogosphere:

The right half of the blogosphere is focused right now on the apparently forged CBS memos about W.’s military service; Instapundit is covering it from every angle. I can see why it’s an appealing story: if you have a choice between blogging on Iraq and poking fun at Dan Rather, the latter is much more entertaining.

  But let me see if I understand things correctly. A presidential election is less than two months away, and there is a war going on right now in Iraq. The war in Iraq raises profound questions about United States policy with regard to the Muslim world for decades to come. But instead of debating the war that is going on right now, we’re debating the war records of the two candidates from more than three decades ago. Wait, no, that’s too direct: we’re debating one network’s story about one candidate’s war record from three decades ago. Wait, maybe that’s too direct, too: we’re debating the fonts on different typewriters that may or may not have been used to write a memo that led to a story about one candidate’s war record from three decades ago. Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

  C’mon, folks: don’t we have more important things to blog about?

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