Banning the Bible:

A reader points to this story:

Campaign mail with a return address of the Republican National
Committee warns West Virginia voters that the Bible will
be prohibited and men will marry men if liberals win in November.

The literature shows a Bible with the word “BANNED” across it and a photo of
a man, on his knees, placing a ring on the hand of another man with the word
“ALLOWED.” The mailing tells West Virginians to “vote Republican to protect
our families” and defeat the “liberal agenda.” . . .

Does anyone have any more details on what the mailer says inside? Does it specifically refer to the “liberal agenda” being banning the Bibles in public schools, banning anti-gay messages from the Bible, banning Bibles generally, or something else?

Certainly if the claim is that the liberal agenda includes actually banning the Bible as such, that seems quite false. (Unfortunately, hostile environment law may sometimes be interpreted as restricting the publication of Bible verses when this may offend people based on religion, sexual orientation, sex, and the like; but though I quite oppose that, it still seems wrong to say that liberals would ban the Bible more generally.) On the other hand, if the mailer makes clear that it’s discussing banning Bibles in schools, or something else that’s at least plausible, then it’s the AP story that’s misleading for not mentioning this.

If anyone has a copy of the mailer, please e-mail me at volokh at — I’d love to see it. Thanks!

UPDATE: Several people sent me the links to this copy of the cover of a flyer that was apparently sent in Arkansas — but it seems to be just the cover, not the inside contents. Does anyone have a copy of the material inside as well, so I can see whether the inside elaborates on the claim on the cover?

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