
Anti-semitism in the 1930s.–

David Bernstein asks in passing about politics and anti-semitism in the US in the 1930s. I just analyzed some 1938 Gallup data that are among the more than 100 databases that I have on my laptop.

A spring 1938 Gallup Poll asked: “Do you think the persecution of Jews in Europe has been their own fault?

FDR voters: 12.1% entirely; 51.9% partly; and 36.0% not at all.

Landon voters: 9.7% entirely; 57.5% partly; and 32.8% not at all.

Dem voters for Congress: 11.5% entirely; 52.1% partly; and 36.4% not at all.

Repub voters for Congress: 9.7% entirely; 56.8% partly; and 33.5% not at all.

The poll also asked: “Would you support” “a widespread campaign against the Jews in this country”?

FDR voters: 13.0% yes.

Landon voters: 9.5% yes.

Dem voters for Congress: 14.7% yes.

Repub voters for Congress: 9.8% yes.

So on blaming the Jews for their persecution, both Republicans and Democrats were similarly highly anti-semitic (no significant differences).

But on favoring a campaign against Jews in the US, Democrats were significantly more anti-semitic.

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