
Yogi Berra:

Dan Gifford passed along a link to a funny and sweet OpinionJournal.com article about a recent appearance by Yogi Berra; here are some particularly nice lines:

It’s a lucky few who get to visit a museum and talk with the person it’s named after. As Yogi Berra himself said at the 1998 dedication of the Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center here: “This is a great honor. Usually you have to be dead to get something like this.” . . .

Q: “Yogi, what did Ted Williams say to you when you tired to distract him by talking?”

A: “He’d say, ‘Shut up, you little Dago.'” (“But,” adds Yogi, “Ted was a great guy.”) . . .

“Yogi,” someone asked toward the end of the evening, “is this going to become an annual event?”

“Well, yeah,” replied the Hall of Famer, “if we do it every year.”

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