

A Slate commentator writes a piece about whether Bush would run again in 2008 if defeated in 2004; and in the middle, he has this line:

For Republicans, remember, Bush’s presidency began in a monarchical spirit — restoration of the House of Bush — and though Dubya’s conduct in office proved much more irresponsible than his father’s, the urge to continue the bloodline could well persist.”

Near the end, he suggests a second George W. Bush presidency followed by a Jeb Bush presidency, and writes “What would matter would be maintaining the dynasty, not the presidency of one individual.”

Oh, yes, the House of Bush. That’s right, we sing “God Save the King” every night over dinner. Seriously, when someone has these sorts of views about how Republicans think, why should anyone find his other predictions about Republican behavior (the whole point of the column) remotely credible?

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