A Public Service Announcement:

For the benefit of our law professor readers:

From: Carl Monk

Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 5:16 PM

Subject: 2005 AALS Annual Meeting

To: Deans of Member and Fee-Paid Schools and Members of the House of Representatives

Greetings to all:

Many of you are aware of the fact that the headquarters hotel for the Annual Meeting, the San Francisco Hilton, is currently involved in a strike/lockout with one of its unions. Although negotiations are in progress it is unclear whether the strike/lockout will continue at the time of our Annual Meeting on January 5-8. The Hilton has indicated that it is continuing to provide full service during the strike/lockout.

A few Section leaders have already advised us that they would lose speakers and attendees for any program scheduled in the Hilton. To assure that the Annual Meeting content is not affected by cancellation of speakers, and that faculty who would not cross picket lines are able to attend the Annual Meeting and programs in which they are interested, the AALS has developed a “Plan B” that will be implemented if the strike/lockout is still in progress at the time of the Annual Meeting. This afternoon our office consulted with the AALS Executive Committee and all committee members support this option.

Under Plan B virtually all of the events scheduled in the Hilton would be moved to Hotels Nikko and Parc 55, neither of which are affected by the current strike/lockout, and are located directly across the street from the Hilton. Thus, Annual Meeting registration and all regular Section programs would be moved. In addition to all regular Section programs, all but three Section meal events (breakfasts and luncheons) would be moved. We will attempt to make alternative locations available for these three Section meal events as well. Due to space constraints, exhibit booths and perhaps childcare facilities would be required to remain in the Hilton.

Lodging arrangements can be made at Nikko, Parc 55, or Hilton. Once Nikko and Parc 55 are full AALS will attempt to add additional hotels for those of you who prefer not to stay at the Hilton. You are of course also free to arrange for your own lodging at one of the many hotels in San Francisco not affected by the strike/lockout.

Although the ideal solution would be that the strike/lockout no longer be in progress at the time of our meeting, “Plan B” provides an option for presenting virtually the entire Annual Meeting in hotels that are not subject to the strike/lockout and thus have no picket lines. AALS is pleased to have been able to arrange this backup plan and we look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting January 5-8.

PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FACULTY AND STAFF. I look forward to seeing you in San Francisco.

Carl C. Monk

Executive Director

Association of American Law Schools

1201 Connecticut, Avenue, NW, Suite 800

Washington, DC 20036

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