Oberlin President Reacts:

An Oberlin College student passes on the following e-mail sent to the Oberlin student body from college president Nancy Dye in reponse to the re-election of President Bush:

November 3, 2004

To the Oberlin College Community:

Mark Twain once said that “If we would learn what the human race really is
at bottom we need only observe it in election times.” Needless to say, we
could interpret this statement in many ways. But when it comes to the
behavior of Oberlin students in this election, we learn that human behavior
in one of the most passionately and closely contested presidential
elections in American history can be admirable indeed.

Never have I seen college students organize themselves so effectively to
register and to vote. Throughout the long hours of waiting at First Church
and Oberlin Public Library (as a resident of Precinct 3B I will certainly
never forget yesterday!) your good spirits, your patience, your
persistence, and your contagious enthusiasm for playing an active role in
American politics were inspiring.

Many of you, I know, are deeply unhappy with the results of the 2004
presidential election. I sure know that I am. But political and social
change often takes a much longer time to bring about than we think it

Any group of people who can accomplish what you managed to bring off yesterday will certainly be able to make a real difference in this nation. Keep up the fight.


Nancy Dye

  I think it’s great that college students are playing an active role in politics, and it’s commendable for a college president to congratulate students for their efforts. Plus, Oberlin has an established reputation as a liberal institution, so it’s a fair bet that most of the e-mail’s recipients appreciate the kind words after a tough loss. Still, might you not feel just a bit uncomfortable receiving this message if you are an Oberlin student who voted for Bush?

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