You Can’t Say That! Review:

A nice review of my You Can’t Say That! in Choice, which publishes reviews for academic libraries. Excerpt:

How does US political culture in the 21st century accommodate the conflicts between freedom of speech, association and religion, and the
various state and federal antidiscrimination laws? Bernstein (law George
Mason Univ.) superbly navigates the rough waters of the statutory and
case law that attempt to curb discriminatory practices by both public
and private organizations…. Bernstein carefully leads readers
through specific problem areas such as the threat to free expression in
the workplace and to artistic freedom, the censoring of campus speech,
interference with freedom of association, and diluting the autonomy of
religious organizations…. One cannot gainsay his contention that a
society that undercuts civil liberties in order to attain equality will
end up with the loss of both. A solid effort that deserves a wide
readership. Summing Up: Highly recommended.

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