Hewitt v. The Corner on Specter:

For those who have missed it (which I suspect are very few VC readers), Hugh Hewitt has been questioning the prudence of the campaign of some, especially those in The Corner on NRO, to deny Arlen Specter the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee. As someone with no prior position on this tactical matter, I find myself gradually coming around to Hugh’s side (as has Glenn Reynolds) simply on the basis of his mounting prudential arguments that seem more compelling than the responses.

Even if you are not persuaded, however, one reason to read Hugh is so you will be less frustrated should Specter assume the chairmanship as remains likely. Hugh’s latest posts are here (scroll down) and here. The always thoughtful and reasonable Ramesh Ponnuru replies to an earlier post by Hugh here. All sides are remaining civil, which is a very good thing.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I have no personal interest in the outcome as I won’t be nominated for a confirmable position by the administration despite sage recommendations like these by Glenn and Alex Knapp (scroll down for dissenting opinions like this one from Steve: “All I can say is that I hope `they’ appoint someone a little less . . . whacko?” Ouch!).

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