Jewish and Israeli Symbols Excluded from Anti-Racism March Marking Kristallnacht:

Quite troubling, if accurate. Jan Haugland (Secular Blasphemy) reports:

Norwegian anti-racists yesterday were marking the 66th Kristallnacht anniversary, in memory of the brutal beginning of official Nazi-Germany’s genocidal murder of Europe’s jews.

In our capital Oslo, the organisation SOS Rasisme refused Jews to participate in the march because they carried jewish symbols and Israeli flags. . . .

The “anti-racist” organisation insists it did the right thing despite widespread criticism, including from Norway’s Justice Minister Odd Einar Dørum (Liberals) and Progress Party leader Carl I. Hagen.

Technically, it was the police that refused people carrying jewish symbols from participating. The police has come in for criticism, too, but argue they could not guarantee the security of jews among the leftist “anti-racists.” Which probably says a lot. . . .

Go here for more.

I should say that private organizations ought to have a constitutional right to exclude symbols they disapprove of from their marches; but we have a right to condemn them for it.

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