Zogby’s Implausible Analysis of Catholic Voters:

Pax Christi, one of the leading organizations of the Catholic Religious Left, is
a new Zogby poll which headlines “Catholic voters ultimately turned-off by single issue messaging of conservative Catholic leaders.” Horsefeathers.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Bush lost the Catholic vote 47-50 in 2000, and won the Catholic vote 52-47 in 2004, for a net Catholic gain of 3.3 million votes–a rather substantial contribution to Bush’s 3.5 million margin of victory. Bush’s strongest Catholic support came from Catholics who attended Mass weekly.

The Zogby/Pax Christi spin reminds me of the many polls which claim that there are more voters who will support a candidate because he is a strong gun control advocate than who will oppose him because they support gun rights. Many politicians, including Al Gore, have entered early retirement because they believed those polls. The actual behavior of voters is a much more reliable guide about how people vote.

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