
The CBS Rathergate Report: Distribute a Draft First.–

If ever there were a situation for releasing a draft before releasing the final report, the CBS Rathergate investigation is it.

Given the rather Olympian duo chosen to investigate the affair–“Louis Boccardi, a former chief executive of the Associated Press, and Dick Thornburgh, a former U.S. attorney general”–it would be good if they released a tentative draft of the Report for comments.

Then bloggers, who know a lot about some angles in the affair, but very little about internal CBS angles, could comment on the Report, including asking questions that weren’t answered. Certainly, one question I’d like to learn about is how closely CBS was working with the Kerry campaign or the 527s.

While the CBS investigative duo would not be able to respond to more than a handful of inquiries, the bloggers could identify the main problems, which could then be addressed by the investigators in the final report.

Rather posing with Castro, at the news desk, and at the Harvard Law School:


UPDATE: Kevin at Wizbang quotes from the USA Today story on Rather, which quotes several bloggers.

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