Posner on Preventive War:

Richard Posner’s first post on his new blog is now up, and everybody seems to be linking to it, so I guess I will, too. It’s not exactly earth-shattering stuff this week. Posner points out that from a state’s perspective, the cost-benefit analysis of a preemptive war may justify a preventive war even when the threat is not imminent. If your enemy is weak today but may be strong next week, and you have reason to reason to believe that a strong enemy will try to attack you, it may be in your interest to attack him now rather than wait to have your butt kicked next week. I don’t think anyone can contest this, although I am sure some would contest the premise: should the rules governing preventive war be based solely on what is in the interest of the state doing the attacking? In any event, welcome to the blogosphere, Judge Posner.

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