
Odd claim about Saddam as POW:

FoxNews reports:

U.S. officials have said they plan to turn Saddam over to an Iraqi court for trial. The United States says Saddam’s government killed at least 300,000 Iraqis, including thousands of Iraqi Kurds in a poison gas attack in 1988.

But the Geneva Conventions say POWs can be tried only for crimes against humanity by an international tribunal or the occupying power — which in this case is the United States.

Really? That seems quite odd to me; I would think that the POW could be repatriated to his country of origin, and then tried by that country as a normal criminal for crimes that he committed in the country. I couldn’t find anything to the contrary in the Geneva Convention on POWs. Am I missing something here? If I am (and I well might be), please let me know.

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