

The Law.com newswire just to the right of this post on the VC page has a story about Betcom.com’s odds on the next Supreme Court Justice. The actual odds are posted on Betcom.com here. Current favorites are Fourth Circuit Judges Luttig and Wilkinson.

According to the Law.com story, however, the betting lines will not adjust based on actual wagering, so it is difficult to read much into the reliability of these odds. Further reason for skepticism about the value of the odds is that the pool of potential chief justices, for instance, only includes sitting Associate Justices.

On the other hand, if the purpose was to get free publicity for Betcom.com, it certainly has worked (as this post itself evidences).


When I clicked on the Betcom.com post, it didn’t seem to take me directly to the Supreme Court proposition. The full odds are reproduced here, although you obviously can’t place a wager there.

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