Mile High Club:

The FCC has voted to allow airlines to provide wireless Internet access on flights. Who needs tireblogging when you can have jetblogging?

  UPDATE: As sometimes happens when the press reports on legal developments involving new technologies, it appears that some news stories about the FCC ruling are somewhat inaccurate.

  Misreporting abounded today about the FCC’s air-to-ground wireless spectrum decision: What really was decided in order FCC 04-287? That 4 MHz in the 800 MHz band designated for commercial air-to-ground use will be auctioned. More on how the auction will be decided in a moment.
  Reports were all over the board in describing the decision, however, partly because of the way in which the press release was written. If you don’t know spectrum, as many business reporters still do not, then you can easily misunderstand what was covered.
  Many articles stated that the decision would allow Wi-Fi on board planes. But that decision was made years ago, and is why Connexion by Boeing is allowed to operate using Wi-Fi for its satellite-to-air service.

Read more here. Thanks to Instapundit for the pointer.

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