Courage at Dartmouth:

A few days ago I commented on a very thoughtful article by a Dartmouth student commenting on the lack of intellectual diversity at Dartmouth and his view of the negative effect that has on his educational experience. I have received several interesting follow-up emails from current students and recent grads making similar observations (although a few have disagreed).

Nick Desai, a current Dartmouth undergrad sent me the transcript of a remarkable set of remarks given by Professor Meir Kohn of the Economics Department, introducing Daniel Pipes as an on-campus speaker at Dartmouth earlier this week. I was going to try to pluck out a few tidbits to whet your appetite, but every sentence and paragraph is powerful. So I just encourage you to read it for yourself on Nick’s blog which you can find here.

OK, I will give you one little bit from the beginning:

Today, I have the honor to welcome Daniel Pipes to Dartmouth.

Before I tell you a little of his background, I would like to say a few words about the greater significance of Dr Pipes’s visit here.

Because this is indeed a significant event– a triumph over the intellectually deadening effects of political correctness.

Whether you agree or disagree with Pipes’s views, I encourage to read Professor Kohn’s brief remarks introducing him and his criticism. I once heard John McGinnis refer to political correctness as “shackles of the mind”–a sentiment that is reflected in Professor Kohn’s thoughtful remarks.

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