Amazon Promoting Term Paper Mills:

I checked the page for my Academic Legal Writing book, and what should I find near the bottom but:

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When one clicks on the link, one sees pointers to a list of what are pretty clearly term paper mills (an ironic result given that my book, among other things, tries to stress the perils and impropriety of plagiarism — though perhaps not unexpected, given that some customers who are looking for books on writing may also be looking for other, less ethical, ways of satisfying their writing obligations).

I suspect that the amazon ad selection mechanism is fairly automated, and may be done through a third party service; if I’m right, then I won’t fault amazon for accepting the ad in the first place. But I do hope that the amazon people can be prevailed on to stop running this ad (they are surely technically capable of rejecting those ads that they find improper).

I sent a message to amazon about this using the feedback link that they provide alongside the link to the sites. If you’re inclined to help push amazon in the right direction, you might want to send them feedback, too. (And if there are any Amazonians [or is it Amazons?]&tag=amazon0156-20 reading this, and can pass this along to the right people, I’d be much obliged.)

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