Liberty Magazine:

I just started reading the March issue of Liberty. Unlike Reason, which is a libertarian magazine aimed at nonlibertarian readers, Liberty is primarily aimed at libertarian readers. As a result, you can read articles on subjects in Liberty that you can find no where else. For example, only here can you read articles about the internal workings of the ill-fated Libertarian Party, and I can tell you that they are often highly critical. (My only interest in this subject is to confirm my opinion that the perpetuation of the Libertarian Party is a very bad idea.)

The March issue contains a very interesting article by Alan Ebenstein on the degree to which F.A. Hayek himself wrote his last book, The Fatal Conceit. The article is called “The Final Deceit” and it claims that newly available archive material strongly suggests that the published work was largely a product of its “editor” W.W. Bartley. While I have heard such speculations in the past, they are well supported here. Most intriguingly, Ebenstein says that Hayek’s original manuscript was the product of years of his own effort, is quite massive, and could be published in its own right. That I would very much like to see.

The March issue also has an engaging article by Bruce Ramsey about how he went from a gun control supporter to someone who wants to protect gun rights.

I cannot link to articles from Liberty as they are not available on line. But if you have libertarian inclinations, you may want to try it out. Many libertarians will find much to disagree with. That is part of the point. Beyond a commitment to certain principles, libertarians do not agree about everything and Liberty explores these disagreements in a way that other venues (apart from blogs, of course) do not. Subscription information (and a very out of date archive) is available here.

Update: Thanks to Dennis Josefsson, an alert and speedy VC reader, I now know that portions of Liberty ARE available on line here. Though the Ramsey article is not available, I have updated the original post to include a link to the Ebenstein piece. I still recommend a subscription. I am off now to Duke.

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