A Very Funny Bit of Work

by Gerard van der Leun (American Digest), based on one of my favorite poems, Kipling’s Law of the Jungle:

NOW this is the Law of the Blogger – as old and as true as the sky;
And the blogger that keeps it may prosper, but the blogger that breaks it must die.

As the visits that pump up the hit count, the Law runneth forward and back —
For the strength of the Blogs is the Blogger that never cuts anyone slack.

Blog daily from news-tip and hat-tip; blog long, but blog not too deep;
And remember the Pundit’s for linking, and forget not that he has to sleep.

The new blog may free flame the Jordan, but, Cub, when thy archives have grown,
Remember the Big Blogs are hunters — go forth and get scoops of thine own. . . .

For the rest, go here. Note that “URL” is indeed sometimes pronounced “earl,” as it needs to be for two of the stanzas to work.

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