I Don’t Think He Was Talking About the Differently Sized,

or, Journalists Unclear on the Concept: Mellow-Drama points to this Washington Post article excerpt:

[Justice Scalia] also showed there is no danger of him succumbing to the whims of political correctness. Discussing a case about the BMW painting process, he surmised that the vehicles’ coating is “baked seven times in ovens deep in the Alps by dwarves.”

Uh, I don’t think he was talking about short people; it may be a Norse mythology reference or it may be a Tolkien reference, but I’m pretty sure it’s nothing that merits being labeled (whether positively or negatively) as politically incorrect.

UPDATE: Reader David Leon Gil suggests this might have been a little absurdist joke on Milbank’s part: “I think that Milbank heard Scalia’s line and thought it was amusing. To introduce it, he played on people’s expectations that Scalia would say something mildly inflammatory, hoping to get a laugh because it’s ridiculous to think that speaking ill of mythical dwarves is politically incorrect.” Quite possible.

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