More on Bankruptcy Reform on NRO:

I have a second column on the bankruptcy reform legislation today on NRO, “Credit Worthy: There are ‘special interests’ on both sides of the bankruptcy bill.”

To clarify one point in the column–note that every Republican and all of the moderate/conservative Democrats in the Senate supported the legislation (Nelson, Bayh, Biden, etc.). The only opposition was from the most liberal Boxer/Kennedy/Feingold/Kerry wing of the Democratic party. The roll call vote is here.

It seems clear that the mainstream of America and its elected representatives supports bankruptcy reform.

I am not sure how the blogosphere got itself so tangled up on the bankruptcy reform issue, but I assume it is because they read the misleading accounts in the press. But surely some of those who were working themselves into frenzy must now be pausing in their stampede of criticism when they recognize that the only ones who agree with them are the narrow band of the most far-left members of the Democratic Party. All of the Republicans and centrist Democrats support the bill.

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