I have been meaning to post on the interesting project going on at and now I’m finally getting around to it.

This is project of Evan Coyne-Maloney (of fame) and others. He is doing a feature film on speech codes and political correctness on campus, with interviews directly from the protagonists in the various situations he investigated. The has a 46-minute version of the film “Brainwashing 101” is available now. You can download and watch the film on-line or you can order a copy of the dvd from the site.

I have watched it and it is really terrific–entertaining and informative. When the full-length film comes out next fall, I hope it will have a substantial impact to induce colleges and universities to reconsider their speech codes. At the very least, it should stimulate some interesting debate.

If you are not familiar with him, I recommend all of Maloney’s work to you, most of which can be found on under the “Video” link.

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