Disrupting the Sabbath in Ann Arbor:

My wife and I were in Ann Arbor this past weekend looking at rental houses for the coming academic year. On Saturday, as we drove past Ann Arbor’s only biggest synagogue (Beth Israel), we noticed a small motley group of protesters holding up some placards outside. On closer inspection, it turned out that they were anti-Israel activists, who decided that the appropriate time and place to express their views was outside a synagogue during Sabbath morning services. Not keeping the Sabbath myself, I was sorely tempted to pull over and let them know exactly what I thought of them and their complete lack of respect for the congregants. However, we were on our way to the airport, and my wife hates it when I make a scene anyway.

UPDATE: Here’s an article on the protestors, from a group called “Jewish Witnesses for Peace” (not all of whom are Jewish). According to the article, and a correspondent from Ann Arbor, even the “peace” community in Ann Arbor mostly thinks these protests are inappropriate. I don’t think I’ll be able to get through nine months in AA without making a scene at least once.

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