Governor Dean, Listen to This Guy!

A blogger writes:

Howard Dean, on why we lose elections to Republicans in spite of our undeniably superior positions:

One major reason his party lost the 2004 race to the “brain-dead” Republicans is that it has a “tendency to explain every issue in half an hour of detail,” [Howard] Dean told the semi-annual meeting of Democrats Abroad, which brought about 150 members from Canada and 30 other countries to the Toronto for two days.

Conservative law supporter (and contributor to the Bush campaigns to the tune of several thousand dollars) Eugene Volokh’s response:

Hey, how’s this for another possible major reason: Might politicians who assume their adversaries — and tens of millions of voters — aren’t just mistaken but “brain-dead” not be very effective politicians?

He has a point there. Dean ignores the fact that many of the Republican voters are not stupid, but rather completely corrupt and utterly lacking in common decency. I’m not sure what political strategy I would advocate, if any, to appeal to them, though.

What a helpful perspective — yes, Governor Dean, that would be a really great way to frame your political plans. Trust me on this one: Just say that, the Republicans are “brain-dead, completely corrupt, and utterly lacking in common decency” — or if you think that’s impolitic, just think it hard; no-one will ever know that this is your view. You’ll be sure to win lots of elections against us awful Republicans if you do that. At the very least, if this approach doesn’t persuade Republicans to treat them this way, it will surely persuade the center. Centrist voters just love it when one party condemns adherents of the other this way.

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