SSRN Top 50 Authors:

SSRN has just posted the list of the top 50 Law Authors as measured by downloads, and yours truly has eked onto the list, along with a couple of co-conspirators.

Note that if you click around, you can order the rankings in a variety of different ways–the order given below is of total downloads for all papers, all time (you can also rank it by downloads in the past 12 months, for instance, which is the way SSRN distributed it in its email).

As one of my colleagues recently confessed, “I’m not sure that numbers like this tell us much, but I do love my downloads.” In that spirit, a list of my personal papers can be found here.

TOP 50 AUTHORS IN SSRN’s TOP 1,000 AUTHOR LIST (BETA)–Total Downloads for all papers, all time:

1 Landes,William

2 Black,Bernard

3 Bebchuk,Lucian

4 Lemley,Mark

5 Sunstein,Cass

6 Bainbridge,Stephen

7 Coffee Jr.,John

8 Donohue III,John

9 Posner,Eric

10 Gilson,Ronald

11 Parisi,Francesco

12 Kraakman,Reinier

13 Posner,Richard

14 Shavell,Steven

15 Kerr,Orin

16 Stout,Lynn

17 Blair,Margaret

18 Solum,Lawrence

19 Bratton,William

20 Burk,Dan

21 Roe,Mark

22 Fried,Jesse

23 Schwarcz,Steven

24 Cheffins,Brian

25 Cunningham,Lawrence

26 Partnoy,Frank

27 Gordon,Jeffrey

28 Solove,Daniel

29 Romano,Roberta

30 Choi,Stephen

31 Licht,Amir

32 Barnett,Randy

33 Ribstein,Larry

34 Hopt,Klaus

35 Ayres,Ian

36 Thomas,Randall

37 Yu,Peter

38 Kaplow,Louis

39 Hansmann,Henry

40 McCahery,Joseph

41 Ferrell,Allen

42 Korobkin,Russell

43 Ginsburg,Jane

44 Lessig,Lawrence

45 Zywicki,Todd

46 West,Mark

47 Klausner,Michael

48 Viscusi,W. Kip

49 Zittrain,Jonathan

50 Rubin,Paul

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