Should Authors Include A C.V. In Law Review Submissions?:

The ExpressO Law Review Submission Guide recommends that authors include a curriculum vitae when submitting articles to law reviews:

  The curriculum vitae is the most important accompanying document according to law review editors. Several editors made a special note that one’s history of prior publication should be included.

  I am interested in hearing from current or recent articles editors on whether this is true. Do you recommend including a C.V. along with a submission? How many authors include them? Is a formal C.V. the way to go, or is a brief “About the Author” blurb sufficient? I know a number of law professors and other authors who have wondered about this, and I know we would much appreciate your feedback.

   Thanks to AWC for the link.

  UDPATE: To be clear, I am not looking for normative judgments as to whether articles editors should want to see C.V.s. It’s an interesting debate, but not the one at issue here. My interest here is in understanding as a descriptive matter what articles editors actually do and what they actually prefer (warts and all).

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